Creditors’ Rights- Consumer And Commercial Debt Collection
The Details Matter In Personal Injury
Our practice takes a holistic approach to addressing your personal injury needs. Whether it is advising you on workers’ compensation rights or pursuing litigation in a motor vehicle accident, we cover every detail. Our attorneys will build a case around your unique circumstances.
Efficiency And Precision In Court
Since 1937, Nair & Levin P.C., has built a national reputation for attention to detail and personable service. We are affiliated with the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys, The General Bar and the Connecticut Creditors’ Bar. Your priorities will guide our lawyers’ strategy.
Where We Practice
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Once you click on ‘Make a Payment’ you will be brought to a third party website (Payment Vision) that handles our payment processing. Once you are completed with your payment simply close the new window or tab and you will be back on our website. This firm is a debt collector. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.