Law Offices of Nair & Levin P.C.

Snowy Mountains

Creditors Rights

Look up at the night sky, and find yourself immersed in the amazing mountain range of Aspen.


Commercial Litigation

Capture the stunning essence of the early morning sunrise in the Californian wilderness.


Personal Injury

Sunsets over the stunning Utah Canyonlands, is truly something much more than incredible.



Efficiency and Precision in Court

Since 1937, Nair & Levin P.C., has built a national reputation for attention to detail and personable service. We are affiliated with the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys, The General Bar and the Connecticut Creditors’ Bar. Your priorities will guide our lawyers’ strategy. Our preparation pays dividends when pursuing your goals in court.


The Details Matter In Personal Injury

Our practice takes a holistic approach to addressing your personal injury needs. Whether it is advising you on workers’ compensation rights or pursuing litigation in a motor vehicle accident, we cover every detail. Our attorneys will build a case around your unique circumstances.